Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trade review 2-24-10

I called a few winners in my watchers for today, but missed plays yelling at the screen over IB's lack of borrows. Once again, no shares of the the no-brainer short play using real funds, which would have been IFLG.

Tim Sykes and Reaper made small fortunes shorting, as did others, as another day of down side passed. IB had only like 500 measly shares originally, taken by like 1 or 2 people, I learned in chat from one of the borrowers!

CIMT tanked, ditto RCYT. HDY was a good green to red fade failed breakout, and LMLP also was called.

I jumped into an extremely risky long pump, AMOK, which may see additional hype tonight. This was experimental, as I do not buy long pumps as a strategy, so it was papered. These are quick in and out plays.

Reaper is also long. I died of boredom hours later and sold for a gain, but it finished strong. This could have been held overnight and sold shortly after the open, and that is what I probably should have done.

BOT    200    AMOK    Stock    1.7100    USD    SMART    09:07:20        1.00
SLD    200    AMOK    Stock    1.7300    USD    SMART    12:53:04        1.00

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