Sunday, March 07, 2010

Trade review 3-5-10

I called several winners from my Watchers.

ZANE went vertical again after some consolidation and produced a second day spike which was short bait, as the risk of squeezing on a SECOND DAY of massive gaining was less likely, a lesson for eager early bird shorts to refrain from shorting on the first big up day.

WKLI morning panicked nicely, producing a short to die for. Remember that shorting into morning panic as opposed to covering into it from a previous session hold tends to be less desirable, though.

VHC also played out according to plan, with some odd tape painting price action on the way down.

VSTNQ spiked, which as I noted proved shortable.

No trades placed on Friday for me of any kind.

All of my possible plays involved shorts, none of which were executed. I tried to short (real, not paper) ZANE in the afternoon, but as usual IB lacked borrows in the clutch. I spent plenty of time in chat / arguing with the peanut gallery over not buying ZANE, missing the other calls I listed above but IB had no shares at those times anyway, as I recall it.  

Please read my post about ZANE longs here: 

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