Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wachers for the 4-20-10 trading session


Still in play for a short on weakness. Patience!


This promo will be even nicer once the magic runs out, so look for shares to borrow and reserve for shorting.


This is a bit cheap to short, but up over 121% Easily this could keep climbing out of the gate but eventually it will come back to reality.


I look to short this on momentum as a scalp if opens on a hot gap up and then g/r fading price action sets in.


This could easily keep going higher. On the other hand, it is up in after hours 5%+ so it might yield a play along the lines of RDCM in the reverse direction. Many folks think this is going up in the near future.


I hesitated to suggest this pump the other day, but new spammers are arriving, so it might not be done yet.


As in MLMN new promoters are getting into the act, but this is destined to swim with the fishes soon.


Tough to short as it's so cheap, but how much longer can this thing run?  I would like it to spike even more before serious consideration, nevertheless.


Airlines are in focus just now. This bullish engulfing daily candle stock could move up more on speculation.


Alzheimer's news inspired speculators to jump on this Monday. Could see more optimism Tuesday and similar fading action, permitting plays in either direction. Up nicely after hours, could be a fade cue, possibly after an opening spike.

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