Thursday, September 23, 2010

Watchers for the 9-24-10 trading session


If at first you do not succeed, try try again! Now really overdone, I am waiting to fade this on clear weakness cues. Stay flat otherwise in terms of many minute holds in the other direction. Almost 90% and over 77% up days can hardly keep occurring. Volume even bigger today than last time, so respect this beast. You can scalp this long on early spiking, especially from the gun, if it zooms out of the gate, but this late in the day I would think twice about it.


Supernovae scan return. May not be done yet, with increasing volume for the past few days. You know the drill, box and drop or wait for the verified weakness cues. Finished well below the highs today which indicates stalling momentum on the upside, but it might have some early scalp worthy upside, less risky than the same idea applied to CLYW since it just came on scan today.


A stock that has more lives than a cat, which means over 9. If this thing spikes early, it might yield a speedy long scalp. I am more interested in how it handles another 6 dollar test. It peaked out today at 5.89 and it might fail near 6 again on Friday which will permit a fade entry. There will be action both ways on this tomorrow. Live price action will determine fence sitting here. Lebed is pushing this, so be aware of that.


Red floater. Possibly more down side to come on Friday. Short only into clear weakness cues, stay flat otherwise. Just watch it from the gun and make a game time decision in light of its live price action.

Not a lot to choose from tonight. But the thing to remember is when the trading options become scarce, do NOT force trades to participate. You have to take what the market gives you, and never try to impose your will on it. It runs in cycles, where some weeks lots of picks turn up on scans, and in others it is like watching pain dry. Just be patient, more obvious set ups will occur again like they always do, it is just a matter of time...

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