Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trade review 1-15-14

I got some plays right this Wednesday...



A winning long when this gap down steadily rose for entry, going green and moving sideways after lunch, ending up over 6% today.


A winner long when this flat open advanced from the lod and kept going for entry. It eventually closed up nearly 6% today.


This triggered early for longs. It kept going, ending up over 5% today to win.



A possible short fake out off this gap up that rose early, only to fall under the open soon after for entry. It moved along the flat line the remainder, closing nearly unchanged, but probably above entrance.


A loss either way on fake out for shorts or longs. An early gap down retraced lows and the move green decayed later into the finish, ending down almost 2% today.



A big gap down discouraged short entries and it rose from the open and beyond. Then it moved sideways and ended down over 10% due to the gapper. No play.


A no play push for potential longs when this gap up failed to trigger. Early downside and flat moves around the gap line closed down almost 1% today.

Daily record: W-3-L-2-P-2

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